USART Driver API: Tx and Rx assignment
Now let’s attempt data send, and data receive API with blocking and non-blocking mode.
1. Download the file attached in the resource section, and the file name is USART_DataTxRxAPIs.c (Figure 1).

2. In the downloaded file, the USART send data, receive data, send data with IT and receive data with IT APIs are implemented partially. There are a couple of TODOs, which you have to resolve.
The implementation of APIs is similar to the way you coded for I2C and SPI.

3. When you code for these APIs, you can see that they use a couple of USART flags. These flags should be created in the usart_driver.h file similar to I2C and SPI.

In the following article, let’s see USART Driver API: Send data.
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