FSM Lecture 90| Exercise-008:Implementation part 9


Exercise-008:Implementation part 9

In this article, let’s test this Exercise 008. Our project is almost completed, but there is one small change we have to make, that is in the tick ISR. 

Implementation part 9
Figure 1. Tick ISR function

In the tick ISR, you call this QF_tickXISR(0) function, and you should call this Clock_Alarm_update_curr_time function for every 100 milliseconds. That’s why I just took one static variable here. 

if(++count == 100U), then I update the current time variable Clock_Alarm_update_curr_time(). And also, I am sending a tick signal(TICK_SIG) or tick event to the ClockAlarm state machine. For that, you can use this QACTIVE_POST_ISR macro given by the framework because we are posting the event from the ISR.


And, there will be one more change in the set_curr_time. In the set_curr_time function, the TCCR1B register must be updated like this (as shown in figure 2). So, take care of this code.


Implementation part 9
Figure 2. set_curr_time function

I hope you can make these changes. After that, generate the code and retest it on your hardware. And, it should work.


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