‘for’ loop number pyramid exercise
Write a program to print a number pyramid. You should print something like this, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows the pattern you had to print at the output.
You have to ask the user to enter the height of the pyramid, and after that, you have to print in the above pattern. So, you have to do this exercise by using ‘for’ loops.
First, let me tell you the logic of how you should implement this.

You have to use a nested for loop here.
The first ‘for’ statement is the outer for loop and the second ‘for’ statement is inner for loop.
So, use the outer for loop to track the height and use the inner for loop to print the rows. Actually, this output is displayed row-by-row.
The row-by-row printing is taken care of by the inner for loop and how long you should proceed is decided by the outer for loop.
Hints for this exercise

Consider two variables ‘i’ and ‘j’.
Use the variable ‘i’ to track the pyramid’s height and use the variable ‘j’ to decide how many numbers you should print in a given row.
For example, if you consider the 6th line here. Currently, ‘i’ is 6; you should print j. Starting from ‘i’ up to 0, but not 0. So, like that, you have to decide.
This exercise provides valuable hints to guide you through the process, ensuring a successful implementation. Dive into the article to see this program in action and gain a deeper understanding of ‘for’ loop usage in C programming.
I will implement this in the following article.
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