Microcontroller Embedded C Programming Lecture 47| Typecasting in ‘C’ contd

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Typecasting in ‘C’ contd



In this article, let’s continue our discussion about Typecasting.

Here, I would like to include some other data in this code, some different data. This time I use 6 byte data and 2 byte data. Let me write the 6 byte data, so I’ll write it in hex, 0x1FFFFFFFA0B0.  Now let me add 2 byte data to this. Let me write 0x1245, as shown below.


int main(void)

unsigned char data = 0x1FFFFFFFA0B0 + 0x1245;

float result = 80 / (float)3 ;

printf("Data : %u result : %f \n",data , result);



6 byte data cannot be represented by int data type. The compiler will consider 0x1FFFFFFFA0B0 as a long long int, not as an int. And the compiler treats 0x1245 also as a long long int data. That means there is an implicit casting on this number to upgrade its data type from int to long long int. This is the addition of a long long int with another long long int.  


Let’s see what happens when you try to compile this code. There is a warning saying you are trying to store a long long int data to a variable whose type is char, and it is warning you about the data loss.

Typecasting in 'C'
Figure 1. Warning


So, with that note, I would like to end the discussion on typecasting, and we are going to encounter typecasting again when we cover pointers. And it is very important when dealing with pointers.


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